I've met with all my profs to discuss my exam results from the Fall semester. There were quite a few surprises in there.
The biggie is that I missed an A- in Civ Pro by one point. Literally by one point.
Second, in Torts, on the MCQ section, I was 1 point away from having the highest grade in the class. I thought I killed the essays, but apparently the prof disagreed. Might have done a little better than average on those, but nothing too extraordinary. The prof did say I had one of the higher B+s.
Contracts, I forgot to mention consideration on a short essay and it cost me 9 points. Probably the difference between a B- and a B.
So, if things had gone a little differently, I'd be looking at more like a 3.3 instead of a 3.1.
Not to sound like I'm rationalizing, but there's really not a significant difference between, say, a low A- and a high B+. I think my grades were fair, but it does look like I didn't get a lot of luck, here.
Where things could have gone one of two ways, it looks like more often, they went the other way.
Not sure to be encouraged by that. Initially, it does sort of suck to think I was so close to an A- in Torts and Civ Pro. On the other hand, I guess I could tell myself that it was basically a coin toss in a couple of my classes. I just happened to come up tails twice.
I also am coming to grips with the fact that all my other committments probably are hurting my grades. I would be doing this differently if not for the time I need to spend on them. How much difference? Who knows. I don't think it's huge, but it might be enough to make a 1 point difference on a couple of exams.
Okay, on to semester two.