I was apprehensive about this first day in Civ Pro, but turns out the prof is awesome. He's really doing all he can to spell out what you'll need to do to succeed in his class. This is not a "hide the ball" professor at all.
He was literally saying things like, "don't write this down. It won't be on the exam."
He even provided us with a rather comprehensive set of notes for the first few classes. Not sure if he'll do this all year, but it's a great start.
When I think about my goals with Law School, one of them, obviously, is to do as well as I possibly can.
Near as I can figure, this will boil down to the following:
1. Superior Logic Skills
2. Mastery of the Academic Material
a. Ability to hit a curveball
b. Raw intellect
c. Work Ethic
d. Judicious use of time
3. Dark Arts
4. Test Taking Ability
Really, the only thing that matters is #4. The other items are just there to get you to #4. In most classes, including this Civ Pro class, there will be exactly one graded assignment: the final exam. Ace it, you ace the class. Bomb it, you bomb the class. No mercy, one shot.
What this prof did was take 2a. "Ability to hit a curveball", out of the equation.
Some law professors have a habit of teaching all their lectures in such a manner that you are given minimal practical information that will help you on the final exam. Some people call this "hide the ball".
I'll argue that this is more like facing a pitcher with a good slider. It's possible to still hit a home-run. You just have to recognize the pitch and adjust accordingly.
This prof is throwing 60 mile per hour batting practice. Everybody should be able to put a bat on the ball. So, unlike hitting against a curveball pitcher where maybe you hit .350 to lead the league, this is more like you need to hit 16 out of 20 balls out of the park.
Also, by not-throwing curveballs, a little bit of luck is taken out of the equation.
When you face a curveball pitcher, the hitters fall into several categories:
1. Hitters who just can't hit a curveball. They can't track it, they can't hit it.
2. Hitters who CAN hit a curveball, guess right, track it and smack it.
3. Hitters who can hit a curveball, but guessed wrong.
No matter how good you are at hitting curveballs, there's always the chance that you'll guess curveball when there isn't one or the converse.
Yeah, being a good curveball hitter puts you ahead of all the hitters who can't hit a curveball, but it introduces an element of luck.
This prof has taken luck off the table, entirely.
So, a lot of brute, academic force is going to have to be applied, here.
I can still hope I have some advantage on all the other items.
I also was trying for the life of me to understand what the exam would be about. There was no way to know based on the reading. However, after about 60 minutes of our 90 minute class, it got crystal clear. I think I know what I need to know for the final. I don't have all the details, yet, but I have the basic skeleton of what I need to be focusing on.
We have a part-timer in our section and he said that all my profs are really good ones. (The ones he'd have picked if he had the choice.) It looks like basically, they took the incoming class and divided us into two groups. All my classes have all the same people in them. I won't meet the other half of the class this semester at all, probably.
The only exception is Legal Research and Writing, which is broken up into more than two sections.
Today is my DWOMS (day without my son.) I am caught up on reading. I need to spend a half hour or so on reviewing today's class, but other than that, I'm caught up for the moment.
I rented the movie "Priest". I'll watch it while running on the dreadmill and hitting the rower.
I've set some basic rules for myself to get through law school.
One of my basic premises is that I waste enough time in the day (with blogging and facebook) that I could get a law degree if I re-directed my efforts.
However, I can't BOTH waste time like before AND do law school.
So, renting movies and watching them on the couch is out.
However, I've carved out a small exception for myself if I'm doing exercise. I have enough time for long rower and treadmill sessions tonight. I am looking forward to seeing this movie.
Granted, if schoolwork intrudes, I have to be more efficient with my workout time. However, I think I'll always be able to squeeze in 5K on the rower.
I'm also glad that I'll be able to watch Logan's football practice tonight. Watching him play sports is one of my biggest joys in life right now. That, and just being around him in general.
So, so far, so good.
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