So far, I've been keeping up in classes. This weekend, I need to make some major strides on getting ahead. I still want to cover some topics in the E&Es, especially in Contracts. Maybe a little in Civ Pro.
I also need to get jammin' on my outlines.
Strange, from day to day, my psychology changes. A couple days ago, I was starting to feel a little bit lost. Today, I feel right on top of it. I'm remembering case names off the top of my head. I feel like the material is all right at hand, mentally.
I think half the difficulty with law school is dealing with your own neuroses. Law school attracts a certain type of neurotic personality. The kind of person who frets the small stuff.
I also have been thinking more about career. If I do decide on a legal career, I'm reverting back to my original idea of working in PI. Every area of the law is fascinating in its own way. Right now, I think I have two main career possibilities. PI, here, locally, and working securities law in DC or maybe Chicago.
Those are the two strong ones. The third one would be working intellectual property in software licensing.
I've still got a lot of time to work on this, but this whole thing comes at you sort fast. The deadline for 1Ls to apply for that SEC internship in the Summer is in February, for instance.
People's fates start to be defined here, not so much in the first year, but in a huge way by the end of the second year.
Anyway, so far, so good. I've got a big research project coming down the pike. The nice thing about my legal research class is that it basically concludes early. All of our graded work will be done by mid-November. It'll be nice to actually have grades on things to know how I'm doing.
In the mean time, this will be weekend of outlines, once I finish up all my assigned reading and research.
Logan has a football game Saturday morning, but after that, I'm basically going to be parentis non praesens (yeah, my Latin sucks ass) this weekend.
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