This week is half done. After this, two more weeks and finals start. On Friday, I have a citation quiz and that's it for legal research and writing. I'll have 3 day weekends for the rest of the year.
At this point, if I had to put numbers to it, I'm 70% ready for Torts. 60% for Property. 40% for Contracts. 30% for Civ Pro.
I now know what I need to do to prepare for Civ Pro. Contracts, although I'm stronger at the moment, I'm less sure how to get to where I need to be for the final.
The fact that Law School is going to be a series of compromises is really coming to roost, here. Days when I don't have my son, I can get in like 5 or 6 hours of studying in the evenings. Days when I have him, I'm lucky to knock out a half hour or hour. It's not that he ties me up at all. It's just that between feeding him, taking him to practice (and he ALWAYS has a practice to be taken to), unwinding a little bit, there just isn't much time left over.
In the grand scheme of things, though, being a father is still job #1. It is the integrating value of my life. Everything else needs to fit into that. It's the most fun, most rewarding, most satisfying thing I've ever done and I fully intend to enjoy every minute of it. I may have 2.5 years of law school left, but I have only about 7 more years with my boy. In theory, I could do law school some other time in my life. However, once Logan is moved out, he's gone. After that, I hope he'll always be part of my life, but not like this.
I need to study pretty much every available minute of this coming weekend. I'm going to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving and will try to haul books around Disneyland with me, but I doubt I'll get much quality studying in. I'll do what I can.
I have a lot of work to do and with just a little less than three weeks to my first exam, I'm running out of time. Sorta regretting committing to Disney this year, but see previous note regarding raising a kid.
I also don't want to make it sound like I'm making an excuse for performance in Law School. It would be easier without other committments, but no way do I think I wasn't given ample chance to perform to my potential. I just pray, pray, that I get to the next semester without having to repeat any classes.
I think at this point, just spitballin', that if I have to repeat a course, that's going to be game-over. I want this, but don't want it that bad. So, that gives me all the more incentive to just do the best I can. Trouble is, you have to repeat any class that you get less than a C in, which means a C- is as good as an F.
Also, this is making me think about my life. Midlife really is hitting me. I'll be in my late 40s when I finish (that's putting it charitably.) If I spend 5 years learning the ropes from somebody else, that'll put me in my mid 50s when I'm ready to hang out a shingle. Of course, I could hang out a shingle sooner and may have to if nobody will hire me. Still, learning the ropes under somebody else is the way it's supposed to be done.
Anyway, that's all for another day. Right now, I need to be ready for the citation quiz on Friday (it shouldn't be that bad, but it is 20% of our grade). Then, I need to study my balls off to learn Civ Pro and Contracts, and fill in the gaps on Torts and Property.
I'm starting to feel stretched a little thin... The crunch is on full-tilt-boogie.
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