I was whining on Facebook, and a 1L classmate mentioned that Capital University is not totally out of the question as far as driving-distance from where I may be getting a job. The only hurdle I could see is that they require a 2.75 gpa to transfer in.
Not a problem with my current gpa. I've got about a 3.1. However, with the grades I'm anticipating for this coming semester, this could be a challenge. I have to get a tick higher than a 2.4 to have a cumulative of 2.75.
That's not impossible, but again, given what I've been up against this past semester, it's going to be a more difficult feat than it should be. However, there's also a shot at redemption if I don't get there. Capital will let you transfer and to graduate, you need to finish 45 credit hours, there.
Which means I can keep going at UT until I get my GPA up. So, I could take a class here and there until I get over the 2.75 number.
As for the Fall, I think I can stay at UT and take at least six credit hours, which keeps me moving towards graduation and keeps the student loans at bay another semester. Looking over the schedule, if they'll let me, my best bet is to try and take all flex classes. For the most part, they are 1 credit hour classes that meet over a long weekend. If I had to take a half-day off for drive-time, I'd be looking at only a handful of vacation days all told.
I don't want to miss out on the chance to take some credit hours, but I don't want to overcommit if I'm going to be starting a new job, either. I can knock out flex hour classes pretty easily.
After the Fall semester, I should have a good idea of whether I can get telecommuting at work, and/or whether I will have the gpa to transfer to Capital.
Speaking of GPA, I feel okay about my prospects of passing crimlaw. Need to study a little more and the exam is at 1:00 this afternoon.
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