I've been hedging on this law school thing, and this afternoon, I finally realized that all the details are in place, now. I know I'll go to UT, it was the obvious choice all along. Any other school was basically a really stupid idea that I'd have been immediately sorry for going to because the commute would have been insane.
I got the scholarship I was hoping for. (I would have liked a full-ride, but frankly, I didn't think that was realistic, given my GPA and LSAT.)
Fall semester starts in August. Its pretty much April, now. So, basically a little more than 4 months and this thing begins.
The only other thing that's in the air is that I'll have to wait for my tax return, then go in to talk to financial aid. Not sure what I'll do there, but I'll have about $10,000 worth of tuition to cover next year. If the biz is doing well enough, I'll pay it out of pocket, but that's a pretty big "if" right now. The biz is still having its troubles.
I have six more chapters to go in the E&E. Will probably try to knock out three of them tomorrow.
Funny, but this whole thing started when I thought I might like to have something to do in addition to my business. Business conditions have deteriorated pretty consistently over the past two years, though. Now, I'm thinking this is something I may need to do instead of my business.
Funny how things work out sometimes. If my business hadn't started sputterring, I would never have pursued this. Now, I can see that this has a lot more potential than what I'm doing, now. So, maybe it's all for the best.
Now, to just work my butt off and fight for class rank.
I am starting to get a taste of what this is going to be like. The E&E book is a great introduction. Lots of rules to remember. I'm not to the flash-cards point, yet, but that's coming. There are simply too many concepts to remember off the top of your head without having something to help you study them. I can see this will involve a lot of memorization, but it's an orderly system. I'd rank it as easier, conceptually, than, say, accounting, which is simply an artificial and arbitrarily designated system.
We'll see. I should be done with this E&E on Monday. The Civ Pro should arrive next week. That leaves two more E&Es, the LEEWS CDs and book and "Getting to Maybe", then I'm fully loaded and ready for 1L.
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